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Allow announcements to be sent to members of a specific layout template or access level


Level 3




Description: Allow announcements to be sent to all individuals of a specific layout template or access level

Why this feature is important to you (and others using Workfront): This would allow for easier and streamlined communication when a layout template or access level is modified. We recently made changes to a layout template for more than 500 users. We had to manually type in the users names to communicate with them. This would save hours for each system admin who needed to communicate to large groups of users

How would you like this feature to work: Allow the layout templates and access levels within the Workfront instance to be selected when sending out a notification

Current Behavior: No way to easily address those assigned a given layout template or access level. We have to manually enter the user name to send announcement. 

1 Comment


Community Advisor



Hi @Tlovie,


I've Liked your suggestion, but it also gave me an idea I decided to share.


As we announced in our July 2024 Latest News, we recently developed a technique we call AtApp Notifications to provide targeted information to users of specific solutions "in app". As that diagram shows, the content is stored in Workfront (as specially prefixed Tasks) and maintained by SysAdmins.


In a similar fashion, you could maintain your various announcements for each of your Targeted Layout Template audiences and add a simple (but important) Workfront Report in a prominent location (i.e. landing page, etc.) with the report filtered to "just their" information. For bonus marks (as we've done), you could even add some HTML decoration (e.g. font color, size, background color, etc.) for extra emphasis.


If you end up implementing the idea, I'd be interested to hear how you make out!


