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Allow Administators to Delete User accounts


Level 4


Description -

After being migrated to the IMS Admin users can no longer delete user accounts from their system. The drop down menu option is still there but we can not make use of it. Give us back that capability.


Why is this feature important to you - There have been occasions where someone entered an incorrect account, for whatever reason. The account is now sitting in our user list as deactivated but still there. It would be nice to be able to clean up the user list and delete unnecessary accounts.


How would you like the feature to work - Just as it always has. The menu options are there, just turn them back on for us.


Current Behaviour - I select the Delete option and I get an errror saying delete has been turned off and this is being managed by the IMS. But there is no way in IMS to delete either, just remove user permissions.

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