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Add additional documents area(s) into Custom Forms & enable logic functionality


Level 3


I would like to have the ability to add a document upload section as a field choice in a custom form, so I can add that functionality anywhere within the form, and also be able to add display & skip logic, as well as the option to make it a required field.

Why? Because we have several project types that are being entered into the Workfront system, and for some of the larger projects, we want to make sure that a creative brief is attached, as well as make this field required for certain project types, while optional for others. ‚



Level 10


We have the same feedback from our requesters. Some request queues have topics that require documents to be uploaded and some don't but it's an all or nothing feature right now. It would also be beneficial to have it embedded within the custom form fields where we call for the document instead of directing them up to the top of the request form to attach in.


Level 4


Documents added to a custom form would be really useful. We would like to do in our Expense section on projects.


Thank you



