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Ability to rename Matrix Groupings


Level 9


For example - Revenue to Billing - I can rename it in details, but it doesn't carry over to groupings. Groupings continues to call it Revenue (Sum). Or the headings of the columns - once I pick the field, I can't rename it for this report, which I can do in any other report. So if I don't want it to say Owner: Home Cost Center, but just Cost Center, that is not an option.



Level 9


This is really needed. Right now our reports look bad for executives and we have opted not to show them certain reports because the grouping renders Company: Name: [the name of the group]. Why does every grouping need the "Company: Name:" prefix? It clutters the report and makes it confusing to read.


Level 4


Should also be able to switch to text mode to change the field selection from ID to name, eg HomeTeamID to HomeTeam:name