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Is it possible to Complete task from email?


Level 4

Hi everyone,


There is a project with several tasks. When specific task is complete it sends email notification to the person Assigned to another task.


Is possible to implement the following:

Can the person who receives the email mark their task as Complete within the email itself and not have to go into the Workfront project to mark it as Complete. 

Is it possible? If so, how to implement this?


Could you please advise?


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1 Akzeptierte Lösung


Korrekte Antwort von
Level 10

Hello Viktoriia,


You could use the Fusion module Webhook to achieve this.

As this is an instant trigger, you could include the webhook URL into your email body and pass any parameters by attaching 




I would suggest working with an additional parameter which has to be true in the scenario processing to make sure, that the scenario is not triggered accidentally.




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2 Antworten


Korrekte Antwort von
Level 10

Hello Viktoriia,


You could use the Fusion module Webhook to achieve this.

As this is an instant trigger, you could include the webhook URL into your email body and pass any parameters by attaching 




I would suggest working with an additional parameter which has to be true in the scenario processing to make sure, that the scenario is not triggered accidentally.





Level 4

Great idea! Thank you, Lars, I'll try it.

UPD: It worked as needed. Thank you!