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HOW? Get all Task IDs and Issue IDs associated with a project ID


Level 3
Hi Community, 

The end goal is to mark all projects within a portfolio as complete ( status = 100% ) However, Workfront Fusion is requiring that all tasks and open issues be closed/complete before the project status can be marked complete. 

How do I set up my Fusion scenario to get all Task IDs and Issue IDs associated with a project ID?
What is the best approach?
3 Antworten



Hi Shane,


I figured I'd provide a quick response.  The easiest way to get all of the ideas and tasks associated with a project in Fusion is to use Collections and selecting resolvables (requests/issues) and tasks.  The resolvables thing is notably confusing.   The project "ID" field could be populated from a watch trigger module. 


Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 3.19.23 PM.png


Hope that helps.



@shane_mckinney Not sure if you saw my response as I didn't tag you. 


Level 2

@ewanh I have done this, how can I reference the request ID in the update record module after the read record module?


My goal is to get all Request ID associated under a specific campaign and then update fields on those requests. 1. Read Record (looking for all requests under a campaign) 2. Update record (update any request under that campaign)