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Google Team Drive Shortcuts


Level 4

Is it possible for Fusion to create shortcuts to folders on Google Drive? I use Fusion to create folders on Google Drive but would like to create shortcuts of these existing folders elsewhere on our drive. This would replicate the manual action of clicking Organize menu item "Add shortcut".

1 Reply


Level 10

Hi Ross,


as there is no possibility to create a Custom API Call using the given Google Drive modules in Fusion, I think you will need to create a custom API call to the Google Drive API on your own using the HTTP -> Make a request module.



You will need to go through the Google API documentation to find out, which authorization steps you need to include into your scenario.


The request body should look like this:

  "name": "Test Assignment 3-Shortcut",
  "mimeType": "application/vnd.google-apps.shortcut",
  "parents": [
  "shortcutDetails": {
    "targetId": "0B8xt-68OtkVWfl9OMW5fcjV4RWJsWExRU3B0M0d6SlNacWwyTHZ2cUhoNE1IZ096exxxx"


