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Custom Form Update


Level 5

Is it possible to create an instant webhook that triggers when a certain custom form is updated? I suggested adding a checkbox on the form for this exact purpose but this solution isn't optimal in our case and we were looking for other options.


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1 Reply


Level 7

Hi @Lawson02 
There's no such event in Workfront - you update (and get events for changes on) fields or certain objects.

However, a form has a field Last Update Date so maybe you can:

  • Create a datastore with the formName, ID and lastUpdDate.
  • Create a scenario that searches for those custom forms (categories) of interest
    • for each form, look in the store and compare the current and stored lastUpdateDate
    • if no record found, the form is new, create a record
    • if the dates match, do nothing
    • if the current date is greater than stored, create an update to notify the appropriate person.