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approveApproval action for issues


Level 6

My team's building a scenario to auto-approve certain requests from our main request queue.  I've been testing the scenario in our sandbox, and it's been working so far.  My colleague asked if it would be possible to send an email/communication to select users once the approval has been done.

I'm using the approveApproval action in the Misc Action module.  I've already been using the auditNote option in the module to add a note to the approved requests ("auto-approved by Fusion").  The module also has auditUserIDs and sendNoteAsEmail options.  I tried playing around with those--e.g., toggling the email option to on and entering my user ID (the scenario connection and approval is setup through a dummy account we have set up in WF)--but I didn't receive anything and I don't see any kind of audit trail involving me in the issue updates or system logs.

I'm sure I can create a tagged note or other communication through an additional module, but does anyone know how the auditUserIDs and sendNoteAsEmail options are supposed to work for the approveApproval action?


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