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[WORKFRONT COFFEE BREAK SWEEPSTAKES] Tuesday, July 16th at 10am PT: Creative Briefs Intake & Best Practices




Do you want a chance to win Workfront swag? Ask a question or share a best practice/example of your creative brief intake process and you’ll be entered into our Community Coffee Break sweepstakes! 


If you’re a new customer, what questions do you have about intaking your creative brief? If you’re a seasoned customer, we’d love to see examples and hear about your process! What are your hot tips? How did you engage the other teams in your organization to create your process? What is the best approach to make sure your questions are relevant but also easy enough for your end users to understand. 


While the briefs themselves can vary organization to organization, we’d love to use this space to talk through the process as it relates to Workfront, what’s worked, and help inspire one another. 


Join the Workfront Customer Success Team Cynthia Boon (@CynthiaBoon), Nichole Vargas (@NicholeVargas), and Leslie Spier (@LeslieSpier) for a text-only event on the Workfront Experience League Community. The team will be interacting live for an hour, but the conversation can continue.   


Post your recommendation or question as a reply to this thread and at the end of the 1-hour Coffee Break, we’ll randomly select a winner. Please review the full sweepstakes qualifications below. 


For some guidance, here are sample questions you can ask the team:  

  • If we don’t have all the details when the request is put in, how do we handle that in our process? 
  • How do we ensure teams are providing complete information? 
  • How detailed should our brief be?
  • We currently utilize a creative brief document and upload it to the request/project, is there a better way to intake the information? Are there advantages to using either a custom form or a document? 


We also strongly recommend the following resources to get you up to speed with this topic:  


Coffee Break Sweepstakes Qualification 

  • The Coffee Break Sweepstakes winner must be from the continental United States or Canada (excluded Quebec). 
  • For a complete overview of this sweepstakes, please SEE OFFICIAL RULES. 
  • All customers who post a question or best practice as a reply to this thread leading up to or during the 1-hour live event will be randomly entered to win a Workfront swag item. Questions asked as follow up to an original submission will count towards the sweepstakes. Simply commenting on another user's submission (as opposed to replying to same with a question) will not count. Liking, viewing, bookmarking, following, marking solutions, or selecting "Me Too" will likewise not count as an entry into the sweepstakes. 
  • If selected, winner must provide their mailing address to receive the prize. The winner of the Coffee Break sweepstakes will be notified via a direct message on the Experience League Community. If the winner does not reply within 72 hours, a new winner will be selected.  
  • Potential winners may be required to complete and return a Declaration of Eligibility form. Potential winners in Canada will also be require to correctly answer a multi-part math question before being able to accept any prize. 
  • NO PUR. NEC. Enter by 16/07/2024. Must be 18+. For complete details, eligible countries, and prize descriptions see Official Rules above. Void where prohibited. Sponsor: Adobe 


Ground Rules and Guidelines:  

  • All content pertaining to this Coffee Break topic will occur solely on this thread. There will be NO live webinar link or recorded video call 
  • If you CANNOT attend the live Coffee Break session due to an existing obligation, you can ask your question or post your best practice in advance by replying to this event at the bottom of the page. Your question will be answered in the order that it was received.   
  • Add your questions or best practices below by posting a comment on this thread.   
  • Make sure to refresh this Coffee Break page periodically to catch new questions, responses, and recommendations.   
  • Clarify your questions  
  • Ask follow-up questions and provide additional details  
  • View Questions posted by your Community peers and like or comment on replies that you find interesting  
  • Discuss further with your Workfront Community peers   
  • To disable email notifications for this thread, click the Options menu on the top right and select "Unfollow the conversation." This will prevent notifications from being sent to your email every time there is a new reply to the thread or comment.  


Coffee Break Session Leaders  




The Workfront Scale Customer Success Team has over 20 years of combined Workfront experience as former customers, system admins, and members of technical support. They host regular events (be sure to check the Events page), engage in the Community and most importantly, love talking about all things Workfront! They are a trusted resource for all customers, so if you have questions and aren’t sure where to go, send them an email at csatscale@adobe.com.   





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Level 4


This coffee break couldn't have happened at a better time! I have been working on implementing a creative brief for a few months. We did a survey at the end of 2023, and the results were screaming for a more streamlined way of capturing all the creative details for our content and design teams.


I have created a custom form with an overall project details section, that brings in calc fields for the project description and other custom fields from our request form. I also have a content section and a design section, each section is filled with the necessary questions that the content and design teams have shared that they need in order to begin work.


A few questions that I have...

  1. Where do you put this creative brief custom form? In a task or the overall project details section? We want all Project Owners to put it in the same place, so our content and design teams always know where to find it.
  2. What if the project has multiple deliverables, do they fill out 4 separate creative briefs for each deliverable? Or do you set up the creative brief custom form to include fields for multiple deliverables?
  3. I would also just love to see how other companies do this today!

Thank you in advance!!!!

Q1: My two cents... We always keep the project brief custom form at the project level since it typically applies to the project as a whole.

Q2: We struggle with this as well. We've found for tracking SLAs, keeping deliverable count to one per project is imperative. We have yet to solve for how to generate multiple projects for multiple deliverables in a simple way via one intake form. And we don't have an answer for the brief either. As of now we have a brief for each deliverable. But if its part of a multi-deliverable campaign, having one collective brief would be ideal. 


Level 2


My team is in the process of building the creative brief fields into our intake form in an effort to eliminate offline docs and streamline the intake process. We'll need to test w/some key mktg and product partners but we're hoping this will be an efficiency.


One team I worked with had a process where if multiple deliverables were needed based off one request, we would create a program to put all the projects into. Then convert the first deliverable into a project and duplicate that project as many times as needed. The main downfall is if the form changes on one, it is not reflected on the others.


Level 4


What is the best way to handle changes to the creative brief custom form once it's been rolled out? We want to make some major changes to simplify our form. 


Level 6


Our brief is high level. Then we have a section where they can check off all the deliverables they need.  Then we add those additional forms to collect the details for the deliverables.
Our Marketing team has grown so big that our brief is due for an overhaul. Looking forward to hearing other people to see if I can steal some tips and tricks!


Level 2


We have a Project Brief similar to JHulet that pulls in info via calculated fields, but it's a far cry from the custom handoff we used to get from our human traffic managers. Trying to figure out a request's needs from a few fields takes a bit of translation skills. Plus, getting designers to click on project details to view a custom form is like pulling teeth. Hence our attempt at an automated project brief hasn't been very successful.


My questions:

  • Has anyone had luck with a Fusion generated custom email that pulls in custom form info? Or using AI to generate a project summary? I'd love to explore both options. 
  • Would anyone be willing to share a screenshot of your brief? I'd love to see how others organize the info in their brief for quick digestion.


Looking forward to any tips!

Some of our internal clients have been trained to provide a separate creative brief for the types of work they frequently request, and the information is valuable to have in-hand as the new work kicks off, though often there are changes to the information as a result of the kickoff, and then even more changes to the scope as the project progresses, making it challenge to ensure all are on the same page! Some of our custom forms include several of the questions from our creative brief form so we have the benefit of additional context, though that assumes the requestor is providing good quality detail (and not copy/pasting from elsewhere). We'd love to conduct a new creative brief refresher training for our WF users, once we've reviewed input from others on this thread!


Level 2


I'm looking forward to this discussion! We are currently looking at building out an intake form to create a project roadmap dashboard. We have an existing intake form for projects/campaigns, but often Stakeholders upload a separate creative brief, or PPT deck, to the project. If there are changes, the Project Manager has to make sure the creative team has the latest file for reference.


Level 1


I can't wait for this discussion! As a new Workfront Admin, I get so many pearls of wisdom from these well-established collaborative sessions! 

My question for this discussion is: How do you educate new features and benefits within Workfront to your users? What has worked best for tackling change management? 


Level 2


We are starting a new intake process with a request queue for each of 4 tiers. The tier is based on the scope of the request and will direct our assignment and approval processes. Some requests will convert to multiple projects. How do you keep the name of the request queue (which is Tier 1, Tier 2, etc) attached to all the projects from that request? It seems like the converted request data can only be attached to one project. 


Level 3


Here's my biggest question about creative or project briefs: Is it wrong to put the whole text of a brief into the description field? Or into a Brief field? I feel like it is searchable that way. The only downside is you have to enforce standards, whereas with a form, you can make certain fields mandatory. 

However, my marketing managers complain that they have FORM FATIGUE. They have to fill out, no joke, 7 or 8 forms to get projects done. One for Workfront, one for the email team, one for the analytics team and so on. 

I want to use Fusion to take the information that is entered ONCE and then share it with those teams in whatever format they prefer. But we have to stop the form madness!!

Am I wrong? 

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