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User Engagement Survey best practices


Level 1

I am looking for insights, ideas, and best practices on developing a comprehensive user engagement survey. Our goal is to gain a deeper understanding of our users' satisfaction with the platform, identify areas for improvement, and ensure we are meeting their evolving needs.

I'm sure we are not the first to work through this important data collection and would love to build on existing knowledge.


We're looking for any ideas including processes, where you have developed your survey (intake?), example survey questions, and even any anecdotal thoughts on things that worked or didn't work for you.

Thanks so much!




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1 Reply


Community Advisor

When I had one it was modeled after a NPS Survey (Net Promoter Score) so we could gauge promoters and detractors.


We started with a 0-10 question:

  • On a scale from 0-10, how likely are you to recommend Workfront to a friend or colleague?

Then, please tell us why you gave a rating.


Then we narrowed down to topics and had them rate satisfaction on a satisfied and not satisfied scoring model. Some were based on tool functionality and some were around process or communication. Then you can start to see if it's actually tool related or something else. 



How satisfied are you with the following? 
  • Product quality
  • Customer support
  • Process
  • Communcation
And then a general feedback questions: Is there anything specific that we can do to improve your experience?
You can use a NPS calculator for the first question to give a "score" that's measurable over time.Net Promoter Score Calculation | Free Online NPS® Calculator