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Earlier today, Sue Fellows shared the news that we’ve launched a monthly customer newsletter to bring everything you need to know into one place. Before you think “oh good, another email”, the intention is that this will mean LESS emails in your inbox! We’re consolidating all the good stuff into one comprehensive communication you can easily scan and keep handy for future reference. Now the real question‚Ķ what should we NAME this thing? After a few meetings and email threads, we thought‚Ķ why don’t we ask the people who are going to be receiving it each month?! Here are some choices to get you started, and please leave your own ideas in the comments. Everything will be considered, but we do have the final say so we don’t end up with a monthly newsletter called “Newsy McNewsletter” or something (though that would be AMAZING). (Also, if you did not receive the newsletter and want to be on the list, send a note to newsletter@workfront.com and we’ll take care of it!)
3 Replies



And if you missed Sue's article, you can find it here: Letter from the CCO (June 2020): A Newsletter You'll Actually Want to Read


Level 10

"Newsy McNewsletter" has my vote.



Haha. I kind of love it too. That will have to be its nickname. 😂