These are a few things our team has run into thus far and as we've also completed the survey, I thought it would be a good idea to let others know what is happening with the ability to add thoughts, ideas, etc.
And as a side note, I am SUPER excited about the new home experience, and I have been waiting for this for a very long time. Many of the issues are small and hopefully quick to resolve.
So far...
***Filters are not named the same, specifically "ready to start" vs "active" and there is not a comparison chart
***The filter options do not always show up on the "My Tasks" section, you have to refresh or click on something else to get them to pop back up
***Mentions - when hovering over a name, a box opens to show name & contact info and it doesn't automatically go away unless you "x" out and is a nuisance
***Mentions - ability to mark as seen, not always necessary to enter a job
***System wide ability to set up views on "my home" for users. I've had to log in as individuals as they "don't have time to mess with this"
We've submitted many of the same as you. But I'm glad to see your comment on the Filter naming. I've been poking around trying to find specific definitions of the filter names and hadn't found anything. Will be great if they can get matched up.
Excellent observations and they largely match with what my crew will submit via the survey next week. That user ID box pop-up truly is a nuisance and has been for some time now -- hopefully it goes away soon!
I'm curious if I'm missing something: why is there both a "My Work" widget and a set of "My Tasks", "My Approvals", etc widgets? How are people planning to use this?
The way our team utilizes Workfront (which definitely is different by every company), it made more sense for many of our users to only use the "My Tasks" widget and "awaiting my approvals" and keep them separate for now.
As a smaller group of users, aside from the initial "request", we essentially just have tasks.
Us too. My Work included a bunch of tasks that aren't ready to start and no way of knowing when it's your turn.
We are struggling with "My Tasks" matching the top day/week/month count at the top. We have used the filter to only have active tasks and it still doesnt match. Does anyone know where that count comes from?
ooh, interesting. I haven't had time to play with this yet, but I will look and see tomorrow what our counts look like. I'm very curious to see what anyone else thinks about this!
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We tried various combinations of the filters too, and never figured out that number. I'm also stuck on 'Can start' and 'active task'. It seems they mean the opposite of what is most logical to me.
We are having the following issues:
- Late task grouping is not showing up as an option in New Home (shows up as Late/red in Home as a grouping)
- We have layout templates for custom forms tasks (when you click on the task in Home, the appropriate custom form information is on the right). In the New Home, when you click on Custom Form next to a task, the fields are blank.
- Pending Task Approvals are not showing up in My Tasks. They show up as a grouping in Home as Approvals I've submitted.
We have the same issue with the Late task grouping and also I would love if they can put late tasks as red as before!!!
The duration for "My work" widget is not really working well for us as previously you can see all work listed once they are assigned, now it is only for the month you are in, so if it is 7/30, can you can not see anything after July if you choose the month option.
The Process Status Grouping will show a group with "Progress Status: Late", but it doesn't show as red in New Home as it does in Home. That is the closest thing to it though.
Oh! Here is another idea - what about the ability to add a specific report or multiple reports to the homepage.
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