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New Home Experience Discussion


Level 3

I was reviewing the upcoming 23.3 release and saw that they dropped in a New Home Experience update (link). I find this new layout very promising, but after playing around in preview still very much in the camp of, this is not ready to be a default option. The widgets are inconsistent, we're losing functional features of the My Work list, and overall a bit confusing at this point. I was surprised with such a major feature announcement there was nothing out here in the community yet. What are other's thoughts on this new feature and how are they approaching any change management.

49 Replies



This is great. Thank you for clearly explaining all of this! I will add this to the list. 


Level 4

Hi Elissa,

One thing I was curious about after looking at 23.10 release stuff, where will access requests go? Screenshot attached. I get these quite often from users as an admin but I know our general users get these as well. Especially for report access.



And I was trying to search for a depreciation schedule for the legacy/current home and not having luck finding it, do we know when the current experience is being depreciated?


Level 10

How do I change my week to start on a Sunday or a Monday?

(OK, it's a trick question… only in the standard Home area!)



Just wanted to give you all an update that I have added your thoughts to the list I created and I've shared them with the Engineering lead and the UX Design leads. The Product Managers over this area are currently on leave, but I will share this with them when they return. 

I also calculated and shared the overall satisfaction scores with ENG and UX. 

Thank you to everyone who has commented on this thread. I want you to know that I have heard you, and I am doing my best to get your suggestions prioritized. 



Also, in case you haven't seen it, it looks like a few of these things were addressed in the 23.8 release a few weeks ago. For those of you who are on quarterly releases, you will not have seen these improvements yet. 

23.8 New Home Updates.png


Community Advisor

ICYMI, sharing the invite for an Adobe Experience League Live: Workfront Release Deep Dive - New Workfront Home Thursday, October 26th, 2023 at 9 AM PT | 12 PM ET