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Future Boy


Community Advisor

Hi @Alison Milbury,Along the Invisible Man lines (and yes, I'm starting a comic book theme) in our previous email, I think I just spotted the Future Boy issue.

Benetta asked a time sensitive question mid day yesterday (14 hours ago) at https://one.workfront.com/s/question/0D50z00006Px43rCAB/any-workaround-to-restoring-a-deleted-report but it is not listed in the summary below, nor is my answer, which is what tipped me off.

I noticed it was in the Reporting Forum, and this email was for the Global forum. That would explain it. I would be interested (and would prefer) if I could have one digest for all the forums I monitor; if that's possible, please guide me.

Back to Future Boy...I also checked https://one.workfront.com/s/question/0D50z00006Px43xCAB/project-complete-showing-0-when-half-of-task...

and neither Anna's comment ("yesterday") nor Emma's (22 hours ago) made the cut.

Might the "Daily Discussion" be (inadvertently) configured to pull the last 48 to 24 hours (eg Mon for Wed), vs the most recent 24 hours (eg Tues for Wed)?



4 Replies


Community Advisor


Hmm. Neither Emma's nor Anna's comment were in the Thursday Digest, so there appears to be a gap. Although I haven't tested it as thoroughly, my perception is that a similar gap exists in the weekly, too.

For best results, I intend to switch all my community.workfront.com notifications to Immediate, and manage the throttle using my own local rules and conventions.




Level 1

I have also noticed some threads not showing up. I first clued into it with the digests over the weekend.

But I believe that Doug's wish for Future Boy is a valid one. While I admire his tenacity in setting the notifications to immediate, I am afraid I cannot find my way through that flood. I very much enjoy the community digest, and the fact that some key posts could be missing is a cause of concern.

I just wanted to throw another voice into the fray a la Banshee (X-Men).


Level 5

Hi Doug,

You can combine your daily digests. You do so by going to your profile and clicking on 'My Account' and then 'Community Notifications'. You then check the box for each community you are in that you would like added to a consolidated daily digest.0690z000008KcibAAC.png

When you check that box, the Discussion Email will automatically change to 'No Email' meaning that you will not receive a daily email for just that community, but it will be included in your consolidated digest.

I'm not sure why a few posts aren't showing up in the digests at all though. It should be a digest of the previous 24 hours. I'll have to look into this and submit a ticket with my platform team.

PS: Sorry for the delayed response, I was traveling for the Denver User Group and missed this yesterday.


Community Advisor

Thanks Alison,

Those digest consolidation check boxes give us lots of options.

