If you have a follow-up question from the Skill Exchange session Resourcing Excellence: Customizing the Workload Balancer with Steven Enos from Liberty Mutual Insurance (@StevenEn) and Myka Bohnsack from Adobe (@MykaB) that originally aired on August 15, 2024, you’re in the right place!
Leave your comment below and our speakers will do their best to reply. And if you see a question below that you know the answer to, don’t be shy! We’d love for you to answer from your own experience and perspective.
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On-Demand Viewing - This session is now available on-demand, you can find the recording here. (Tip: Use the links in the left navigation to watch other Skill Exchange sessions!)
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My team has issues with tasks that start and are due on the same day do not get accounted for in Resource Management. Is there a fix for this?
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Hi...for same day tasks, you need to make sure there is a number in Duration.
If 0 is in the Duration the task will not show up on the Workload Balancer.
If you edit a users resource capacity/availability, how do you preserve the historical capacity of user for retrospective reviews our resourcing?
I don't believe this was covered during this session, but there are a few of our users who do a combination of project/task work and issue work, and issues seem to still have the default calculation of 8 hours per day. Is there going to be a fix for this? Is there a workaround? We'd love to be able to set default durations and hours for issues, so they don't throw off the resource planner numbers.
Thanks, btw, great session. Thank you @StevenEn @MykaB @KristinFarwell
I would also love this fix. I recommend that my users omit hours from requests in the Resourcing tools, but it would be helpful to include them without having to manually adjust them every time.
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just FYI (as a workaround?),
1) issues default to 8 hours if you have a default duration of 1 day. We have some issues that we do give shorter durations to, e.g. in a request queue we can set up a duration of 0.5 d and that will give us a 4-hour issue. So this works pretty well if you have a quick-turn type of issue that you can set up with queue details of some sort (queue topic)
2) for longer run issues, e.g. 4 hours over the course of a week, the user would need to change planned completion date -- great news, the planned hours stays the same. This would work better for users who don't have a lot of work, and of course, terribly for users who have a lot of requests coming in.
3) for greater volumes, the current workaround is to use fusion to automate what you need.
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Are the recordings available yet?
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@LAK01 - Hi there! If you registered for the Skill Exchange in advance, you will receive a follow-up email this week with a link to the on-demand session recordings. For anyone who didn't register in advance, we'll be posting all the videos on Experience League. I hope to have those up in the next few weeks. We’ll update this post when they're ready!
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Good news! This session is now available on-demand, you can find the recording here. (Tip: Use the links in the left navigation to watch other Skill Exchange sessions!)
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@StevenEn I'm curious how you produced the reports discussed at the 25 min mark? Are those Workfront reports or did you have to export data and create in something like excel?
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Hi @AdamCnote The report on the slide is generated via a chart in PowerPoint. The data that populates it is exported from the resource planner and manipulated in Excel before being moved into PPT. Hope that helps. Feel free to reach out with other questions. Thank you
Thanks very much for confirming!
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