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Blueprint Released: People Manager Dashboard



Want to know what your team is up to? We built this dashboard to give you insight into your direct reports’ work and play (time off). From understanding your team’s workload, to viewing the projects they own, to analyzing cycle time, there is a lot of valuable data to be uncovered. This is sure to be a crowd-pleaser with your managers!

A few things to note:

  1. The reports on the dashboard have been built to support the needs of a wide audience and it is likely that you will need to change filters, views, and groupings on some reports to better meet your organization’s needs. 
  2. All these reports contain a filter that provides results for the logged in user’s direct reports in Workfront. 
  3. You may not need all the reports, so feel free to remove them.  
  4. All reports have tags in their descriptions for searchability: 
    • #peoplemanager 
  5. Finally, we recommend making copies of these reports before editing in case you want to go back to the original reports. 

This dashboard is now available to install from your blueprints. Learn how to install this dashboard from blueprints 

Reports Included in the People Manager Dashboard: 

  • My Team's Active Tasks by User  
    • Shows all your direct reports’ incomplete tasks on active projects. Use this report to understand the number of outstanding tasks per user.  
  • My Team's Active Issues by User 
    • Shows all your direct reports’ open issues on active projects. Use this report to understand the number of outstanding issues per user. 
  • My Team's Active Late Tasks by Week 
    • Shows all your direct reports’ late, incomplete tasks on active projects. Use this report to understand number of late tasks per user and number of days late. 
  • My Team's Tasks Due This Week and Next Week 
    • Shows all your direct reports’ incomplete tasks on active projects due this week and next week. Use this report to understand your team’s bandwidth. 
  • My Team's Active Projects by Priority 
    • Shows all active projects owned by your direct reports. Use this report to understand or change how in-flight work aligns to your priorities. 
  • My Team's Active Tasks - Planned vs. Actual Hours by Week (Burn Down) 
    • Shows the variance of planned vs. actual hours on your direct reports’ active tasks. Use this report to understand actual hours over or under planned hours. 
  • My Team's Recently Logged Hours by Week  
    • Shows all your direct reports' logged hours in the last 4 weeks.  
  • My Team's Completed Tasks This Year by Month 
    • Shows the volume of tasks completed by your direct reports each month. Use this report to understand not only volume, but also the variance of planned vs. actual of both hours and duration. In turn, you can analyze task cycle time and level of effort. 
  • My Team's Completed Tasks Last Month by User  
    • Shows all your direct reports' tasks completed last month.  
  • My Team's Completed Late Tasks by User 
    • Shows all your direct reports’ late, completed tasks. Use this report to understand number of late tasks per user and number of days late. 
  • My Team's Completed Tasks - Planned vs. Actual Hours by Project 
    • Shows the variance of planned vs. Actual hours over or under planned hours. 
  • My Team's Time Off in the Next 3 Months by Week 
    • Shows all your direct reports’ time off in the next 3 months. Dates in purple represent time off in the next 4 weeks.

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12 Replies


Level 3

Hello all

I am having difficulty locating this blueprint?

I have installed blueprints before and am happy with the process, but cannot seem to find one containing the dashboard above on my instance..

please help!



Hi @WhitUser - After looking at your screenshot, it appears you may be filtering the blueprints by Organizational Structure and Project Template. If you deselect those and select Dashboard (shown below), the People Manager Dashboard Blueprint should appear. The name of the dashboard is the same name as the Blueprint.



Level 4

Is there an easy way to add an additional filter to include the manager in these reports? A lot of our managers are also assigned work and tasks in WF...and they would love to be able to see themselves in the report along side their reports.


Level 3

Hi JHulet, I'm sure they could be modified to your request, I still can't locate them, are you able to tell me what name they are under on your system?


Level 4

They are in the blueprints section...under People Manager Dashboards and the individual reports in that dashboard are all listed above in the original post. Hope this helps!


Level 3

Thanks, but I guess it's just my instance they are not showing on yet.. all the other Blueprints are there but not these 'new' ones, I've looked on Preview too, but to no avail !
My guess is they don't hit everyone's instance at the same time..


Community Advisor

Yes, I would go to filters and add an "or" from there you want to copy everything above but use the $$USER.ID wildcard to include them as well


Level 1

Hello! I am testing out the new People Manager Dashboard. Is there a way to pull in the direct reports of your direct reports? I want managers to be able to see the full scale of the team under them. Thanks!


Level 3

Hello MelissaBr4

Could you tell me the name of the Blueprint on your instance? It still doesn't appear on mine, at least not under P or People Manager ??



Level 1

Hi WhitUser!


It's called "People Manager Dashboard" and my instance shows it as published 7/9/24.


Level 3

Thank you for responding, I'm going to go to support as def not there!



Hi there @MelissaBr4! We recommend creating a user custom form and applying it to everyone in Workfront. On this form include a calculated custom field called Manager Hierarchy. At first, you're going to leave the calculation blank and save it. We're doing this because the calculation refers to itself (includes the field in the code) so you need to save it in Workfront. You also cannot change the name of it. If you do, be sure to edit the code to be the exact same. Once saved go back into the form editor and paste in the code below. This will result in a field that states the user's name along with their manager and that manager's manager for at least 6 levels.

CONCAT(IF(ISBLANK({manager}.{manager}.{manager}.{manager}.{DE:Manager Hierarchy}),"",CONCAT({manager}.{manager}.{manager}.{manager}.{DE:Manager Hierarchy}," - ")),IF(ISBLANK({manager}.{manager}.{managerID}),"",CONCAT({manager}.{manager}.{manager}.{name}," - ")),IF(ISBLANK({manager}.{managerID}),"",CONCAT({manager}.{manager}.{name}," - ")),IF(ISBLANK({managerID}),{name},CONCAT({manager}.{name}," - ",{name})))

Now in your report, you can use this field in the filter with a wildcard. Instead of selecting Home Team ID you would select Manager Hierarchy and then "contains" and the wildcard $$USER.name. Workfront will now find anyone who has that manager's name in their hierarchy and pull it into the report. Please note that it will also pull themselves. If you don't want to include "me" in the report add another statement in the filter USER ID does not equal $$USER.ID


Shout out to @MoniqueEvans for the hot tip!