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Adobe Summit - Anyone interested in a Workfront Admins meetup?


Level 3

I realize this is late in the game, and a social rather than technical question, but are there other WF admins here who would be interested in a meetup?

Some of the best insights I have had in the past few years have been from (chat) conversing with other admins during the webinars here, and trading information on our approaches to issues and configurations. 


I'd love the opportunity to do the same with less typing and more comfy chairs :). I think this could be especially helpful to those in the early stage of becoming an admin, or where the WF instance is not fully mature. If there is any interest in the idea, I can try to arrange a time/date/location.


Thanks in advance for any responses!



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3 Replies


Level 4

hey Laura-

I'm 100% on board with this. Connecting and talking shop with other Workfront admins was such a valuable part of my attendance at other (Workfront-specific) conferences. It's unfortunate these opportunities are harder to come by or more difficult to discover amid the clutter of other products.


Community Advisor

Hi Laura -


Not sure if you've seen this post about Summit, but there is a Workfront Group Me created and they are coordinating a breakfast to get us all together and make connections on the first day of the conference. 




Level 3

Hi @KellieGardner thank you so much!


Unfortunately, I've maxxed the number of new meetup apps I'm willing to join, since they seem to result in a ton of spam later. If that group would post the planned date/time somewhere, I'd be happy to drop in. 

I'm not able to attend the Monday bash/event as my flight gets in late, and have session conflicts with the Coffee events. 

I'm probably being picky, but I was looking for something 'after hours' as its good for decompression, and more flexible time-wise.


If anyone else feels the same, feel free to message me through my profile. 

Looking forward to learning and meeting great people!
