Hi all, I'm checking to see if you all know when 22.4 is scheduled to move to production.
At least for me, it used to be more clear in Workfront One. Right now the Release Overview page in AEL says:
These enhancements are currently available in the Preview environment and will be made available in the Production environment with the 22.4 release the week of October 3, 2022. As the 22.4 release nears its planned Production release, this page will be updated with all functionality included with 22.4.
For specific release dates and times for each cluster, see the Adobe Workfront status page on status.adobe.com. You must log in to see specific release times.
When I log in to the Adobe Workfront status page, I can't find any specific release dates and times. Am I missing something?
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I received the announcement earlier today. New features in my instance seem to be available, too.
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Thanks @foggd I've since received the notification too. I still don't understand the part about checking the Adobe Workfront status page for specific release dates and times. Would be good to know a little bit beforehand when a release is moving to prod
Kinda knew it was coming, but only "the week of." Had no idea when it was coming specifically to our instance except based on past experience.
I wish they'd email a warning, specific release time for out instance, and give a couple weeks advance notice. Feels like I'm always just stumbling upon the information at the last minute.
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You may want to go to the Adobe Status page (https://status.adobe.com) and click the Manage Subscriptions link to be sure you're getting maintenance updates for Workfront. I received email notifications the week of 9/26 that indicated upcoming maintenance for the 22.4 release and which clusters were updating on each maintenance date.
The exact date does come just the week before, but from previous updates I know my cluster is always Thursday night and I received the in-app notification in early September that all 22.4 release updates were available in Preview to review and gave the week that the release would happen as well as a link to the list of all updates that would be happening. I put a note on my calendar as soon as I receive those notifications about Preview being ready.
Yup, I get maintenance updates. But never got an email notification about the upgrade or cluster-specific dates. I get all the other ones about maintenances and issues, but not about upgrades.
I as well "know" we tend to get them Thursdays at 7:00pm PST. Though I wish they'd do these more like midnight PST beause 7:00pm is too close to the late hours of our planners.
Only reason I had a clue was the "new stuff in preview" in-system notifications which comes weeks in advance and get more specific as they get closer. But I have to be very proactive. I still wish they were emails as I don't live in Workfront (I wear alot of hats) and miss in-system notifications quite easily.
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Thanks Heather, I just checked and I'm already subscribed to all things Workfront (major service issues, minor service issues, service maintenance), however, just like Calvin, I still didn't receive any details on 22.4 and clusters/dates.
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It does seem the release stuff is pretty buried in the mass amounts of "maintenance" emails I get - it's way down toward the bottom that it mentions 22.4 and the clusters for that date
Ah, thanks for pointing that out Heather! I'm guilty of not reading those below the fold, but now I know
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Same, guilty as charged; didn't read below-the-fold.
But to be fair, I've never read down here because it says "previous updates" since that implies it something I've already read. I checked, and I never got an "original" (September 27) that mentioned the updates, so not sure how this information could be "previous."
If anyone from Adobe is paying attention, instead of burying these in an email entitled "Maintenance" can we get a special versions that says "Upgrade" or something? And also change the boilerplate from "We've scheduled a maintenance update to improve our services." to actually putting the "The deployment of 22.4 for Cluster X will take place on Y"?
Don't make me work for it; I have alot to do and have to quickly skim sometimes. Make it obvious and above-the-fold.