When I come into work each day, I know exactly what is going to happen and what I should be working on because I put everything into Workfront. And by everything, I mean everything. My meetings, assignments, 1:1s, quarterly goals, the team’s birthdays and anniversaries, performance edge deadlines, as well as personal errands such as checking the salt levels in my water softener and when my car registration is due. As I said, everything.
It’s the beginning of March. Let me show you what my Workfront Home looks like:

And that goes all the way to December. This is a partial list of what I have listed in Workfront for next week:

As you can see, in addition to tasks I need to complete, all of my recurring team meetings and 1:1s are in Workfront. Why? Because it is my system of record.
Workfront is where I put my agendas. It’s where I put my meeting notes. And resulting tasks. It’s a way for me to report on how much time I’m spending on team meetings and 1:1s.

I never forget a birthday. I never forget an anniversary. I can always go back and look at what was discussed and decided in a meeting.
If something comes up in a meeting that needs to be done, I create and assign a task, or ask someone to submit a request, right on the spot. No need to wait or write a reminder or remember to do it later.
My team doesn’t ask for things in Slack. We submit a request on Workfront Home. Then there’s a record for it. And how much time is spent doing it.
For 1:1s, if there is sensitive information that I’m noting for myself and an employee, I attached a private, secure Google doc to the task that only we have access to.
As new initiatives come up, such as 1 hour of training each week, it goes into Workfront.
All of our quarterly goals are managed and reported in Workfront. There is never a question about what needs to be done, who is doing it and when it’s due. And if there is too much being asked by leaders.
As a leader in customer support, most of my day is spent in Salesforce Service cloud, ensuring customer tickets are resolved quickly. But anything else, anything that happens outside of Salesforce, is in Workfront.
Ultimately, using Workfront to manage your work is a choice. Once you commit to it and set it up, it’s easy.