Except the x-forwarded-for (Already used), the vistaRules (to be deploy) or the variables (to be deploy) , I don't see another way. [img]Capture d’écran 2015-11-27 à 09.37.13.png[/img] (on Adode analytics)
Hello--I find a very strange issue on DTM. On the PageLoad Rules it's impossible to send a variable with all evar after the eVar75.For Exemple we send the string "Home" on the eVar75, but not send for all eVar after 76.Any idea ?
Hello--We try to send the pixel tracking with the same IP address to Adobe Serveur. (confidentially)We track some website and for all visitor on all website, Adobe Serveur catch only 1 IP Address (the IP of the Proxy) not the true IP of the visitor.