Hi Nigel !Thank You very much for Your detailed, excellent answers :-)!The conclusion for my own efforts is: Should I go withFlash/Flex on the client-side, the couple Cocomo/LCDS could delivermuch of what I need already out of the box; of course, examples forhow to mix and match Cocomo and LCDS woul...
In order to be able to classify Cocomo, I would like to know:How does it relate to Adobe LCDS/BlazeDS ? Does it leverage partsof those products ? How does it compare in terms of functionalityand performance ?
Currently Cocomo is used primarily as a realtime dataexchange engine for Flash/Flex; can italso be leveraged by Ajax web sites/apps ? Using client-sideframeworks like Smartclient,Javeline, Dojo, Cappuccino, etc. ?
I have tried out exactly this same example; but in myconfiguration, the assembler CFCs are not found ... I use an Apacheweb server instead of ColdFusion's builtin web server. Have Youmade this example running with an EXTERNAL web server ?
All samples that ship with BlazeDS use pure Flex on theclient-side; what I would like tohave are samples that show the Flex-Ajax-Bridge in action;using BlazeDS/LCDS as the dataexchange engine; and then use this engine's capabilities todo Ajax stuff on theclient-side; I have found one example where A...
When surfing through this forum I got the impression: Withthe help of this forum aloneone can easily run into unsolvable stumbling blocks duringBlazeDS/LCDS development.Therefore I would like to know:- Are there other, more supportive forums/mailing listsavailable ?- Is BlazeDS/LCDS development poss...