Hi,I still am working on this item. When I download your example, and open it with the reader, no browse-popup shows. When I open it with Acrobat, the popup does show. What is the difference?Thanks,Erik
Hi,as I am creating forms with Adobe Livecycle Designer this forum is of great help! However, I was looking for a book or guide about Livecycle Designer. There are several ones, but can anyone recommend a specific book?Thanks,Erik
Thank you all for your help!I have put the script into the ButtonSave::change event. However, nothing happens, when I click the button (not in the Reader of Acrobat).Could it be a problem if the Save-button is placed in a different subform than the fields that need to be validated?Best regards,Erik
Hi,please help me with this question I have.I have made a form in Livecycle Designer with a lot of textfields that needs to be filled. Most of those fields are mandatory. What I actually want to make is that after the user clicks a button like "Save" THEN there will be a check if all required fields...
Hi Srini,thanks again for this great help! Certifying seems to be no option for us. So, I am working on the browse option. In addition to that I wonder if it is possible to set the default folder before showing the browse-screen.So, when the user clicks the button, the screen that pops up should be ...
Hi Srini,thanks a lot for this help. This looks very good. So, I will try this.One question: Do I need an extra license or software to certify a pdf document? Where can I do that?Thanks in advance!Erik
Thank you very much for your help! I got this far allready and that works fine. However, the end-user does not have Acrobat. And what we look for is that the end-user does not have to do a manual action to import the data. That should be automaticly done at startup of the pdf-form.This is what we tr...