Hi opkar,Thank you for your response.I have my author/publisher instance in my development environment I want to set up testing/staging environment for my application testing to be deployed in these environment.Can you please let me know how my development environment has been set up on the same lin...
Hi Friends,I have my package ready in my development which is up and running if i want to move to the various environments like testing/staging/production environments what configurations i have to take care. can someone help me with the checklist would be very much helpful.RegardsPr@veen
Friends,I deleted all the index files from the below path and my instance is up and runningC:\9.AEM-6.1-Author\crx-quickstart\repository\indexI did not find the below path folder for deleting the index files~~•crx-quickstart/repository/repository/index•crx-quickstart/repository/workspaces/crx.defaul...
Hi friends,Sorry for the delay,I am not able to see the workspace folder under C:\CRX_home\crx-quickstart\repositoryunder repositoryindex and segmentation folders are available please do suggest I am using AEM6.1RegardsPr@veen
Hi Friends,I came across a scenario in AEM6.1 author instanceThere was a MCaffe patch update pushed to my system and there was an abrupt shout down of my system after which when I start running my AEM author instance I am getting the below error~HTTP ERROR: 503Problem accessing /. Reason: Authent...
Hi Scott,Thank you for the support.I was able to get the value in the dropdown once I deleted the existing library in the system/console and did a fresh deployment and installed the jar which was there in the target folder.I was able to achieve using aem archetype10.RegardsPr@veen
Hi Scott,Thank you for your response.I am not able to share the OSGI code through my official ID as the file size.69.2 mbcan we please have a screen share session on Monday evening 7PM IST let me know your availability.RegardsPr@veen
Hi Friends,I am working on creating the custom aem work flow using the below urlhttps://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/creating-custom-aem-workflow-steps.htmlAfter deploying my osgi bundle in the system/console/bundlescreated the DeleteContent Workflow stepwhen I am executing the last step...
Hi Friends,Can we use CQ feed components for displaying the social data using the below url in AEM6.1 as per the documentation illustration it is for 5.5 and 5.6https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/creating-cq-feed-components-display.htmlRegardsPr@veen