path="/path/to/other/dialog/inputs.infinity.json" xtype="cqinclude"
above was the way in classic ui to include set of nodes
I would like to do "include of items node" from a dialog using sling:resourceType granite include.
I tried including one of the node below "items" (example : /apps/sit...
Looking to implement full text search and evaluating a solution to implement.
I am looking at following https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/query/solr.html.
and https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/deploying/deploying/queries-and-indexing.html#configuring-aem-with...
Hi All,
At present client is using Vivisimo search to perform search on sites.
Client decided to go with new search implementations and deprecate vivisimo search.
Client site does sitemap, pages search using vivisimo search. I am completely new to "search implementations" and looking for what se...
I have export of js , which is part of node_modules/ui-foundation-star
I used below statement in main.ts to import specific js function
import {scopecomponent} from '@ui-foundation-star/scope'
This works fine in my local. but on gitlab pipeline above import stat...
I am looking to create dummy resource with a resourceType (text), valuemap properties and not to create any real jcr data/nodes.
In sightly html get the dummy resource using "data-sly-resource" tag and render it.
Thanks for all the help.
Usecase: retrieve content fragments elements and h...
I am seeing below warnings while aem 6.5.13 start up and pages go blank after several hours use. I would restart AEM, and pages work fine.
thing is, I could not see any errors in project, error log files.
Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
06.10.2022 09:12...
Hi Arun,
by default first item will be opened , if author selects "single element expand" in styles tab in dialog.
otherwise, all items are collapsed. when you open several items, all will be in open.
Hi All,
I am working on FAQ component which displays frequently asked questions as accordion items.
For this, I leveraged accordion rendering, js by having "html" similar to core wcm accordion.html.
One need I have is : by default all accordion items needs to be in collapsed state. On expanding...