Hello Saicharan,Can you please provide the exact set of parameters you're selecting right before you save the Activity? It'd be great if you can share some screenshots as well.Thanks,Aneet
You can just monitor the logs for the status on this as these are sequential steps and complete one after the other.I'd expect this index cycle and would wait till the reindexing to complete. This would eventually come up unless there are any errors in the upgrade.logIf you think, it isn't moving on...
I don't see any issue with these logs. There are 26 upgrade tasks and they need to complete before the upgrade is complete. CQ62Html5SmartFileUpgrade is one of those steps.I suspect these environment has many many nodes where you it's parsing coz the version purge and other maintenance activities w...
302 status code would suggest an issue on the apache level or resource mapping configuration. Can you bypass the webserver and directly try hitting the author/publish instance
Moving pages which were already publishes would trigger a DELETE request for the publish instance, move the page to the new location in the author instance and then replicate it back to the Publish instance.You can do this operation by either disabling the replication agent for a while so that items...
Can you check if mp-editors and content-authors group exists in the CRX ? Also, check if the "random authorizable" setting ws changed in AEM 6.1 ? If yes, this would have to reverted prior to the upgrade to 6.3