Can you attach the following:- Restart the instance and rename the logs folder- upon restart, error.log and stdout.log- output of http://HOST:PORT/system/console/status-System%20Properties
Yes you have to take over the datastore to the standby server and remove the sling id. In summary, below steps should give you an idea. These include the datastore configs :Use the below steps to setup cold standby instance and let me know incase of any issues.Setting up Primary instanceSetup a dire...
Machine you are working on, is a touch enabled laptop? If yes, disable the touch events api for chrome/firefox and retry this.i have seen weird behavior and usually disbaling browser specific touch events api helps.
Runmodes once set cant be changed. Modes like author, samplecontent once set while starting a new instance can’t be can add nosamplecontent mode once the instance has already been started. You’ll have uninstall we.retail pckages to get rid of it