Hello All, @FilipeFreitas @PedroLeme @riballor @SatheeskannaK Adobe product team has deployed the fix for this issue. Images should now be displayed when uploaded as zip. Please check, thanks, Zoe
@FilipeFreitas Hey Filipe, why are you guys hosting the images on a S3 bucket instead of keeping it in Experience Manager Assets? is there an advantage or you simply use S3 buckets for something else? Asking because you mentioned that you change the html code nevertheless. Please let me know. Thank...
Hey @riballor @FilipeFreitas @PedroLeme Thank you so much for sharing different approaches. I have been editing the html as well. Even manually adding images also work (sometimes less time consuming than editing the html,) in some scenarios I figured if the image place holder is super small (1 px - ...
Hello All, Have any of you guys noticed that the images are not rendering properly when HTMLs are imported/loaded to AJO? What I usually do is when adding emails to a Campaign or a Journey I load the zip file (the zip file includes the .html file and image folder). Then I am directed to choose the...
Hello All, I'm trying to export an audience in AJO from the UI (to Excel or CSV). I noticed there's a way to do it using an API. I'm wondering if there's a different way to do it from the UI, as there's a way to import audiences from the UI. If anyone can help me with this, it'll be greatly apprecia...