There is no direct way to find this information out. I have been tasked with this in the past and the way I like to do it involves the API.
If you run a GET on segment definition it will provide you will all active audiences in whichever sandbox you're looking into. There most likely...
Description - It would be beneficial to have the ability to delete profile-enabled schemas, specifically in lower environments
Why is this feature important to you - Dev's that are 'learning' how to use AEP/RTCDP may incorrectly enabled schemas for profile, thus causing any type of schema clean-u...
Hi @SwathiBu there are some new alerting functions that were just added with Sept release notes, in case you have not seen.https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/release-notes/2024/september-2024#alerts
Hi @KelvidPa
The Platform is set to UTC time zone. From my understanding, this is not something that is standard and cannot be altered. Although, monitoring jobs will show in your current time zone
@Parvesh_Parmar I received confirmation yesterday that there is actually no limit to the amount of compositions using FAC. The only limit is the 4000 total audience limit.
Hi all,
Can anyone confirm if Average Profile Richness metric has been removed from the License Usage section of their dashboard in AEP? We are currently no longer able to see it in our sandboxes.
@NickMannion I believe for the time being, it is just all audiences. I could see this being expanded in the future to include specifics based on user needs.
Thanks @Parvesh_Parmar - I have the same doubt, hoping that maybe someone would be able to clarify.
@Jagpreet_Singh_ is it possible have someone from AEP engineering team help resolve this question?