Description - Quick reporting to find out which audiences tie back to specific datasets/schemas
Why is this feature important to you - This would be extremely beneficial for reporting purposes, along with any changes to datasets, in order to completely understand which audiences will be affected.
Description - It would be beneficial for stakeholders building audiences in AEP, if it was possible to only show eventTypes within the enum list, that are currently populating data. Not including all OOTB eventTypes that are available.
Why is this feature important to you - This would avoid any co...
Description - It would be beneficial to have the ability to delete profile-enabled schemas, specifically in lower environments
Why is this feature important to you - Dev's that are 'learning' how to use AEP/RTCDP may incorrectly enabled schemas for profile, thus causing any type of schema clean-u...
Hi @SwathiBu there are some new alerting functions that were just added with Sept release notes, in case you have not seen.
Description - We would like to enhance the filtering in the AEP UI. Why is this feature important to you - Having the ability to further drill down into filters via the UI, unlocks more capability for the users of AEP. How would you like the feature to work - Filter by audience on dataflow runs page...