Hi @yuhuisg , Yes, its from SQL, we have setup Data feed data flow into internal Data server for marrying Adobe data with 3rd party data. For the first time we saw "String" value in "Last_Purchase_Number"
Hi Team,Last_Purchase_Number is a auto generated metric based on customer order frequency. And Implementation guy has no control over it. However, for the first we are seeing Last_Purchase_Number is paasing "String" value due to which our data processing system is broken. Is anybody faced this s...
Hi Team,,, Yesterday I received raw data from Data feed in zip format. After extracting it, when I opened the file seeing "event_list" column is getting converted into "##########". not able to understand the content behind it. Please suggest here how to extract data from "############"
Hi All, I have segment at visit level with "Then" condition in it.. This segment is visible workspace, however the same in not visible in Data warehouse. Any help here.
@Jennifer_Dungan below bolded text statement is not true for me. One of customer clicked on campaign on first visit & bought the product on second visit. At visit level segment with 30 day attribution set, order is not showing up in the report, where as with visitor level segment order is showing ...
Thanks, Jennifer, for suggestion. Just want to know, if a user sees the campaign on Sep 29th & click on same day, but purchase on Oct 1st, then order will be attributed to Sep or Oct month.