Reporting on historical proofing data is needed. For compliance reasons, we need to report on all documents reviewed and approved, not just active approvals which is the only current reporting function for proofing.
Would like to see stories estimated by points and tasks estimated in hours. The two estimates should not be linked or calculated in any way, specifically story points shouldn't be overwritten by task estimates. Would also like to be able to edit task point estimates on the actual task in the storybo...
When creating cost charts and labeling the bars, the labels display the full dollar amount (ie. $300,000.00) which runs into the label for the next column. It would be great to shorten those to 300k.
It would be great to be able to name some colors (to later be ale to select from a drop down) or be able to set them as default colors for certain fields or company. When working on our Dashboards, we currently have to go into the different reports to copy/paste the color codes (trying to make the D...