Hello, I am trying to add a module(s) that will search a Project for every Task that contains a certain Role, and to then remove that Role from all of those tasks. Does anyone have a way of achieving this in Fusion? Thank you
To anyone coming here for what ended up being a solution for me: I ended up creating a calculated field with all of the (important) fields concatenated into one. That way anytime those fields (and only those fields) change the calculated field will also change. This allows me to program my trigger t...
Hi Kelly, I am trying to trigger a scenario based on any time a custom form is updated. It seems you are achieving something similar here. Could you show/tell me how you set up your trigger to start when a custom form is updated? Thank you
Hello, I am trying to run a scenario to update the certain fields any time a certain selection of fields on a custom form are updated. At the end of the day a trigger based on any change on the custom form would suffice. My goal is to avoid running a scenario based on anytime a project is updated as...
Hello. I wanted to add to this issue as I also often times have reports being auto-sent 5-6 hours late in some cases. Is there awareness to this issue or any measures to take to resolve? Thank you.
Here is the current config for the column Project Owner This provides the results in the original post. Several of these requests resolve a task in the project rather than the project itself so there is that extra level that I am missing in order to reach the Project Owner. Hope this helps explain m...
I am trying to pull in the Project owner on a Issue/Request report. The issue lies in that some of these tasks are associated to resolve task and some are associated to resolve a Project. What field do I need to points towards in order to display the associated (resolve) project name when dealing wi...
Thanks Lars, I have no reason as to why I used the legacy. Is there a defining difference with that module vs the non-legacy? I will be submitting a support ticket and will share my findings here. -Eric
When I attempt to open the files on the WF side they all open fine and are identical. Here is a screenshot of two operations. The file content seems identical. The only difference I see in the bundles is the file ID. Those are unique per Bundle/Operation.