Hi Anthony, Thanks for letting me know we're not the only one experiencing this. I'm wondering if I should also open a ticket and reference your ticket number. Can you please send it to me?
getting several complaints about the time it take to navigate back to that sub folder to review other proofs, especially when there are several folders in the documents tab. Has anyone else notice this? Thanks,
Hi, We are starting to edit Web pages through Workfront proof . The URLS we upload contains links to other pages that also need to be reviewed. Does anyone know of a way to also edit those pages if accessed through those links, or do we need to upload a separate URL for each of those pages we can ac...
This has also caused notifications to be useless since we now also receive a notification every time a proof comment is made thus burying other important notifications. I also agree this should be customizable at the Admin level so the team doesn't just shut them off. Please allow us to customize ...
Yes!!! 100% agree! Not having a way to differentiate between requests that are ready to start and those that are not would also cripple our team and cause extreme workflow issues.