question: have you checked the calls with an open Assurance session? Maybe that gives more information.
We just had the same question in the newly created slack channel for community advisors.
Assumption is that it is the browser that - upon navigation - is not properly presen...
Hi @Naveen_KumarPr
IMHO the _experience field per productListItem entry should only contain merchandising eVar information as described in the documentation
Fully agree with @Jennifer_Dungan
your rules contain an OR condition (any), and then you assign the tracking code to the marketing channel detail. Make sure the s.campaign is properly set when the WhatsApp query parameter is present. If you need more assistance, you can drop me a DM to have a look ...
Hi @JayGr
I think this link is more helpful than the one you looked at
Products as such do not function like eVars and do not persist across page views, so no expiration as such can be set.Products also liv...
Hi @JayGr ,
yes, that's not directly possible.
But what you can do is create a Hit based segment that matches your needs and pull that into an alert, using for instance Page Views is above or equal to 1.
Hi @MA1985v1
looking at the documentation, I would say so.
You should be able to see the correct mapping when you open an Assurance session and look at to what it is finally mapped to.
Hi @Rhodri2
Do you have any query parameters appended to your ad click which could be used instead?
Background: nowadays, many websites do not longer send a complete referrer URL anymore but mostly just the domain information. So, should you know that a certain set of query parameters appended to...
Hi @Swapna_0506
these are requests sent as beacons from Adobe Analytics (when s.useBeacon is set to true).
Pings/Beacons are a special type of request that should be more robust against browser navigation i.e., the requsts should ideally not be cancelled when the brower intends to navigate away.
Currently, the search in Launch is barely useful, since it returns a very fluffy set of results, that quite often do not help finding what you are looking for.
Quite often, the results just show a "... more" in the results list, but without actually giving you a chance to find what you ...
Hi @dineshpr
presumably you are talking about CJA where you can name the "Person" metric to for example Fan?
The containers describe the scope of the the segments you want to create.
* Event include single server calls
* Session (Visits in Adobe Analytics) include all server calls within the defi...