Hi @aanchal-sikka, Yes, AEM 6.5 has Security and Performance as Staging steps. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-manager/content/using/code-deployment.html?lang=en#stage-testing
Hi @Ameen_Dev,You can verify if the image is there using the data-sly-test.<sly data-sly-test="${properties.laptopReference}"
<img src="${properties.laptopReference}" class="cover lazyloaded"
Could you please try with below mvn command mvn clean install -Padobe-public -PautoInstallPackageAn existing community thread you can check https://experienceleague communities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/getting-error-during-project-build/m-p/421495
I am not sure if it serves your purpose but you can try using p.hits = selective which will return variation properties. Change the p.properties value based on your needs.path = /content/dam/aem-demo
type = dam:Asset
1_property = jcr:content/data/cq:model
1_property.value = /conf/......
You can use the following query to retrieve article content fragments based on the web variation.path = /content/dam/aem-demo
type = dam:Asset
1_property = jcr:content/data/cq:model
1_property.value = /conf/aem-demo/settings/dam/cfm/models/article
2_property = jcr:content/data/web/jc...