@rajeshb63021282 , https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-65/content/assets/extending/mac-api-assets#create-an-asset This documentation is for non cloud AEM. Best regards,Vijay
Hi @kautuk_sahni ,There is no clean solution I found for this now.Just for the build to be successful, I have added the method to set timeouts in each java class instead of using it from service. Best regards,Vijaya Kumar A
Hi @Tethich ,Don't think its expecting request timeout, as I just tested there is no error for the class where I have created rthe same request config in the class itself.
Hi @MukeshYadav_ ,The values are set in config. The later seems to be the case. It only seems to scan the first level.This results in redundant code as I have to add in each class.