Interesting challenge, it has been a while since I looked at the Map API, but I suspected it has a similar way of getting events as Youtube's API does.Based on their documentation, you can listen to events and then build tracking on those event listeners: Data Layer | Maps JavaScript API | Googl...
Depending how you are collecting that value, if you're using a method that only captures the value if it has changed (so repeated values don't get captured), it can lead to page views for the same page without the value being read, as it has not changed from the previous recorded value. To verify ch...
While API is not specifically stated in the documentation, it certainly is not using Data Warehouse as its backend and should be able to use the custom calendar: Customize Calendar | Adobe Analytics. Although "Workspace" is mentioned, to my understanding 1.4 does not support Workspace and uses the l...
I don't have a test setup at hand, but have you verified the date format, as your example seems to contain hours, minutes and seconds, while the expected format only contains year, month and day. Startdate and enddate might have the same challenge?
To update a little on this: You actually cannot use legacy methods such as SFTP with Classification Sets, so I created an Azure location and will proceed to see how I can use that. But since Classifications allow the use of automation and the API requires a set ID, which is not available except for ...
Indeed and thanks for chipping in. The documentation refers as the only example to a local filepath, but this could be a local filepath in any system. I assumed it is local, but that is not how it works with cURL, so I will be adding a file location today and testing how it would work with e.g. SFTP...
I see, that is a bit of a pickle. As I see it the request and response are a pair, and the request defines what these columns and the filters applied to them are, response will not return them again as from the design point of view this is not required. To make it work these should be passed along w...
In relation to the question I referred, one of the replies referred to file uploads to cloud destinations (Locations) and file locations. This, I think, is the issue: I consider file uploads to be actual uploads, but in reality they are likely ways to tell Classifications API in which cloud location...
To answer at least a part of your question: The filters listed refer to the "metricFilters" array and the item ids you've defined in the request. Since you have a dimension with breakdowns, it looks like the first two (0 and 1, brand and product) index of columns are used by those and the rest liste...
Premise: I am creating a process where a maintained classifications file can be fully or partially manually be uploaded to Analytics' Classifications API and data is updated. This can be done with relative ease using FTP file transfer to send items in, but since the API has more options, we decided ...