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In Report Top Items API - 'startDate', 'endDate', ‘dateRange’ and ‘lookupNoneValues’ query parameters are not filtering the data.


Level 2

In Report Top Items API (https://adobedocs.github.io/analytics-2.0-apis/#/Reports/runTopItemReport) - 'startDate', 'endDate', ‘dateRange’ and ‘lookupNoneValues’ query parameters are not working.

It is not at all filtering the response.


Without applying filter:


After applying filter on dateRange field:


In both cases we are getting same number of records. Same with other mentioned fields, it is not filtering the data.


Could you please give some details why it is not working.

1 Reply


Level 4

I don't have a test setup at hand, but have you verified the date format, as your example seems to contain hours, minutes and seconds, while the expected format only contains year, month and day. Startdate and enddate might have the same challenge?