@kgairola This status appears when there are other Data feeds requested for processing for the same report suite. I suggest once check if there are any other feeds for the same Report Suite ID.
@stainsmj You might want to use the Data Repair API to correct the data. Check the below doc:-https://github.com/AdobeDocs/analytics-2.0-apis/blob/master/data-repair.md
@Kullaporn If these context variable are not sent for 30 days then they get removed automatically. The same can be verified from the "Context Data" section in below document :-https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/mobile-services/using/manage-app-settings-ug/c-mob-manage-app.html?lang=en
@Kullaporn If I am right than you are talking about deleting the data from reports. If yes, than you can use Data Repair API to delete some values.Refer the below link :-https://github.com/AdobeDocs/analytics-2.0-apis/blob/master/data-repair.md
@RashidJorvee Can you please check the below document to go through the pre-requisites and implementation :-https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/media-analytics/using/sdk-implement/setup/setup-overview.html?lang=en
@Neha_01 I am not aware of Google analytics report which you have referred here but as per your requirement you want a report which tells the number users who entered to a specific page from search engines. If that's the case then can you try making workspace report as given in screenshot below :- ...