@lgaertner Thanks for the reply. I've tried changing the url from https://hook.app.workfrontfusion.com/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxssssss?clientToken=999999&channel={Channel} to https://hook.app.workfrontfusion.com/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxssssss?clientToken=999999&channel={DE:Channel} but it's st...
I have created a custom form with an external lookup to a fusion api. This works fine with hard coded Channel parameter, but I need to pass a radio button choice as a parameter and am unable to get this to work (via preview). The radio button has a label and name of "Channel" and has three choices ...
Hey Arun, We have actually seen the console version of this error but not recently. When it occurred it was for random users with no identifiable pattern. We were able to work around the issue be changing the call to the client to admin mode. Hope this helps. Cheers,] Ken
Hello Arun, That's the same error but rather than a console error it was a soap ui api call error. It turned out to be a simple pw issue, this wasn't spotted right away as we were focusing on the upgrade. Cheers, Ken
I would like to create a rest version of the following soap call to retreive a session token, is this possible? Soap Call to{{AdobeCampagin Server}}/nl/jsp/soaprouter.jsp Body (where strLogin=User Id and strPassword=User Password<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelo...
After further investigation it looks like the "yum install -y snowflake-odbc-2.25.4.x86_64.rpm" step executed by
./snowflake_odbc-setup.sh --snowflake 2.25.4 removed the odbc directory in /usr/lib64/snowflake. To fix this issue command "yum reinstall -y snowflake-odbc-2.25.4.x86_64.rpm" was run whi...