So, I put a quick form together to test your code. On the change event of the radio button list (not the radio button itself), I added:if (this.rawValue == 1) tfTest.mandatory = "error";else tfTest.mandatory = "disabled";In my case, the radio button with the value of 1 is the one I want to make the ...
Presuming that there wasn't a problem with the download, the rows stopped repeating because spaces (" ") had been added to a couple of lines in the code. I removed the sapces, and it worked again.Maybe the best thing would be to set the add row buttons' presence to hidden. Then it doesn't appear in ...
Do you think users will have more than 12 objectives that they'll want to put on each course set? Maybe it would be better to stop page breaks in that subform (AssessEvalChart1).
OK, for the other part. Add this code to the end of the click event for your AddMoreCourses button.var newChartIndex = xfa.resolveNode("AssessEvalChart1").instanceManager.count - 1;var rowCount = xfa.resolveNode("AssessEvalChart1[0].AssessChart1Table.AssessChart1Row1").instanceManager.count; for (v...
I figured out one of the problems. Your form uses global binding for "header3", so each time you make a form, you automtically populate the same items, and since it's global, if you change it in another table, it will change the original, too.
I've never seen a working wildcard in JavaScript. You'll need a for loop to cycle through, I think. If I'm wrong, I'm sure someone will correct me. In the meantime, try this.if (cbNotNeeded.rawValue == 1){ for (var i = 0; i<Table1.Row.instanceManager.count; i++){ var r = "Table1.Row["+i...
OK, quick details on what's going on in the "if" statements.xfa.resolveNode is going to search for whatever is in parentheses. It's looking for a string. The string is in quotes or represented by a variable. r, s, and i are all variables that are just numbers. So, if i is 1, then the if statement wo...
Take the brackets out. You named all of your checkboxes and rows with numbers, so they aren't "instances" of the same row. @Jono was right on the other part, there is a "." missing in the if statement and the else clause--sorry. if(xfa.resolveNove("Table1.Row"+r+".CheckBox"+i).rawValue == 0){ ...