@SarahBo2Check body.noloudconfig.html first for possible concern if not then traverse base to parent sighlty/htl scripts to debug. Default xfpage page location:/libs/cq/experience-fragments/components/xfpage/, once you were able find the relevant script do overlay and let sling resource merger do th...
@SamBarber14 This is OOTB for VEC and for form based check below direction VEC base multipage setup: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/target/using/experiences/vec/multipage-activity Form based multipage setup: In form based experience you can select multiple location with same mbox name ad...
@KeithDavo first to solve your code, change the line user.get('languageDevice') with user.get('languageDevice') || <<default-value>> to get going. My other two cents for profile scripts, don't divide your logic across many profile scripts like you did for language as order of profile scripts executi...
@ramvg Looks like the warning message in screenshot "No property token found on this page. You may not be able to activate it until you provide a valid token on the page." is different what you have provide, I was able to replicate the warning and save/activating by selecting corresponding property ...
@Michael_Soprano Few checks to make sure inbound and outbound for target are configured/coded properly. 1) Use Adobe Assurance or Adobe Experience Platform Debugger "Edge Transactions" to make sure data is passing to Adobe Target,2) Enable corresponding response token (only visible if profile attrib...
Hello @ramvg: Property token is offloaded to datastreams part of data collection as server side config. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/platform-learn/implement-web-sdk/applications-setup/setup-target#property-token ~cheers,NN
@xliuI envision this issue would be mapping, please do provide more details on data format with sample data, dataflow mapping screenshot, dataflow execution detailed screenshot, schema with field details screenshot for further vetting on this.
@xliu schema changes and dataflow update(update just mapping through API or UI) will suffice in terms of configuration, make sure upstream data records have this new attribute value and check mapping is correct to pickup to flow into platform. based on streaming on batch wait for relevant time for d...