Can you post your x-domain file here? also, can you use ahttp proxy, such as the charles debug proxy, to see if the x-domainfile is indeed fetched. it could be just a permission issue withthe file.
some code and config snippet would be helpful. btw, how are you monitoring the blazeds output. are youlooking at the blazeds console? try use charles debug proxy to seethe actual network traffic.
it's a standard message if your client can't connect to theamf servelet. your amf servlet url appears to be http://localhost:8400/messagebroker/ your blazeds is hosted under http://localhost:8400/blazeds?in that case, you need to go to the project property and correctthe server configuration.
when you use the ip instead of "localhost", flash playerrecognize it as a different host. either change the wsdl address tolocalhost or put a crossdomain.xml file under you web root