Hi @TakL , You copy pasted enrichment and data extraction activity. So each enrichment activity and data extraction activity now has different name. Now your each data extraction activity should be pointed to the enrichment right before it, but your data extraction is still pointing to first enrichm...
Hi @hetfidd , Have you written code to change status of coupon when attached in delivery?If it's out of the box, you need to trace and find where exactly is the fault. You can check which function is called when coupon is added and does that function performs status update? If yes, then is the stat...
Hi @david--garcia , No seeds are not registered to subscriptions. If you look at table structure of nms:seedMember, you will find recipient and service elements are not connected to nms:recipient or nms:service table respectively. They are a data entry in nms:seedMember table. The purpose of seed ta...
Hi @khushboo_verma0790 , You can query based on brand value received from Form. Use @brand contains 'variable value sent by form'. Only catch will be to use brand Code instead of brand Name and brand code should be of same length.If we consider last example, suppose landing page sent value 'A' as br...
Hi @twilliams629 , Analyse your usecase based on table structure.1) Let's suppose your data structure is based on 'Store Order' and based on email address you want to know the status of order purchased. Then, put an additional condition in where clause and it can be based on latest purchase or Order...
Hi @MarioGlad Please follow below steps to achieve this:1) In Javascript activity, save value as:instance.vars.@fName = rcp.@firstName; 2) In query activity, define as:First name = $(instance/vars/@fName) Thanks,Jyoti
Hi Santiago, There must be some script written in 'End' activity, as the workflow is giving error at 'end' activity. Open 'end' activity-- > Advanced tab and check the script. According to the error, path where you are trying to copy file either does not exist or do not have 'write' right for the 'n...
Hi Khushboo, You can save values using a separator, like there are 3 checked values 'A','B','C'.Write javascript to save checked value as one string separated by hypen or comma or linebar, i.e'A-B-C' or 'A,B,C' or 'A|B|C'. Thanks,Jyoti
Hi Sachin, You could try below two options:1) In case you want to display values of zipcode in dropdown, you could simply create a dropdown and map the value with zipcode column, it will automatically pickup. Or you could define dropdown values.2) Or, have simple validation test whether zipcode is e...