Hi All, As part of cloud migration we are planning to migrate import from org.apache.commons.lang to org.apache.commons.lang3.(lang3). And to send a mail we are using Day common Mail template (com.day.cq.commons.mail.MailTemplate).And we are using below mailTemplate.getEmail method and in one of the...
Hi All, BPA error :com.github.jknack.handlebars/javax.script: The OSGi import javax.script, due to package removal, referenced at bundle: com.github.jknack.handlebars might no longer be resolvable. What we do to do to fix this ?
Hi All, We want to migrate assets from one CMS to Aem as a cloud.As the license for AEM assets is not available, we cannot use Bulk Import functionality of AEM assets.ACS commons MCP asset ingestor is not available on AEM as a Cloud so we cannot use that as well.What is the solution we have OOTB to ...
Hi All, We are trying to implement personalisation for A/B testing for a AEM component using Context Hub. We have 2 variations of a Component and we need to personalise based on 50-50 Split. So out of 100 users 50 users should see variation1 and 50 users should see variation2.This will not be based ...
Hi All, We have a Rest API implementation where we are calling a Bank API by passing Oauth token to the Bank API.The balance details has to be populated from the API response and needs to be shown on the front end.We want to implement the same in AEM forms. Easier Approach Solution 1:1)Create a for...
Hi All, What is the better approach to create a Servelet.ResoureType or Path Based. As per documentation it is ResourceType only. But sometimes it happens that it exposes the internal Structure of AEM may be Content Structure or Component Structure.It is ok to expose the internal Structure of AEM fo...
Hi All, We have a requirement to encrypt some of the form fields like Credit Card Number and Account Number when submitted over Custom Submit network call.(internalSubmit.jsp) POST call. We are using Custom Submit Action of AEM Forms.Expectation is that the value of the Credit card number should be ...
Hi All, We are using AEM 6.5.14 with AEM forms add-on package(6.0.718). We are using plain forms Text Box and Numeric Box Component. We have added ootb validation for "max characters" and "max digits" in the text box and numeric box respectively. We are facing below weird issues in actual Mobile dev...
Hi All, We are using File Attachment Component and have configured the maximum size of 1MB for an attachment. The alert provided is OOTB when the size of the file exceeds 1 MB.How can we restrict the Alert from coming and customize to our error Message. This js is called ootb and we need to restrict...
Hi All, We have a query like this: path=/content/we-retailtype=cq:Pagefulltext=Menp.limit=-1 Is there any default algorithm for sorting the results when no orderby is specified. From the output results we are not able to find any sort criteria. Any help is appreciated. Thanks