Hi, workflowuser.I saw the documentations on JavaScript Library API reference but I can't find anything on GuideLib. We are currently working with adaptive forms which has the following GuideLib methods used:Thanks,Chris
Hi, AEM Experts.I would like to ask if you have a documentation on using guidelib api? We are currently using this in our adaptive forms but we can't seem to find any good article of its complete API details.Thanks a lot.Chris
Hi,I had the same question.You can try:1. Create your template2. Using crx-de, locate your template:3. From XF view, click settings to add the location:4.Your template should display like this:Let me know your updates.Chris
Thanks for your post!I just encountered this kind of weird behavior using AEM 6.4! After removing the org.json in OSGI bundles, the "forbidden" issue was resolved.I might need to search for other libraries to convert XML to Json though.
Hello,I am trying to use org.json (which can be found here: Maven Repository: org.json » json) to parse the json request since it is very easy to use. We have added the dependency in pom.xml as shown below:But after deploying our build, we encountered the error below.Can someone provide some inputs ...