@Amit-Tiwari Have you tried both of these options?
https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/implementing/using-cloud-manager/create-application-project/build-environment-details.html?lang=en#alternate-maven-jdk-versionIf still does not work, please raise Ado...
By default 10 results are shown but you can increase the limit using p.limit=N or p.limit=-1(for all results) where N stands for number of result you want to see.
@MarkECis References of assets wont be updated in page automatically. You have to write script to update content wherever old asset path is referred. You have to be cautious as asset path might be available in Richtext as well, handling update of it would be tricky. Also you have to update collectio...
Adding dependency in pom.xml wont upload the bundle in AEM until you specifically embed it. Gson comes with Uber jar as well and probably the version of same would be reflecting in your bundle. Please elaborate more to understand what you are trying to achieve.
I see you are using onedrive directory. Sometime onedrive takes time to sync files and it causes issue. Can you please try outside onedrive folder like C or D Drive and see if same behavior is observed?
As explained by @BrianKasingli, it is good to implement redirects on Dispatcher or CDN. Otherwise you can use OOTB feature to do redirect i.e. Redirect property present in page properties.
As publisher is not up, you wont be able to access publisher URL. Please check publisher logs. Once publisher is setup properly, replication test will work fine.
Hi @Nandheswara, Do you see any error in error.log file? If Yes, please share error you are getting.Also, please try opening full URL of any page example localhost:4503/crx/de or any page of your website.
@Vani1012 Please try adding user to template-author group https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/developing/platform/templates/page-templates-editable.html?lang=en