Hi @rebeccabirkholz47 I was going to suggest a task report and filter wherestatus = With Account Services previousStatus = New hours = zero But those are the total task hours.If you need to check whether the artist logged hours "while in New and before With Account Services" I think you'll need Fusi...
Yup. I suggest a group because then you can add/remove users from that group without having to remember the person(s) that should get the access. AccessLevels is a good call to dial in what exactly the person should be able to do - once the can access an object. Finally, you may want to use a layou...
Hi @DestPr Thank you for that! Sadly I have more questions So if I understand correctly the first iterator loops over the list of suffixes from the tools module? I can't tell what #4 is - Create Product Combination? Some more questions & comments: label your modules - makes flow understandable to s...
Hi @TammyCa1 You could run task report or an assignment report - if those tasks can have multiple users, you likely want the assignment report. You can then group by user. As a filter you compare actual vs planned completion date: Task reportactualCompletionDate=FIELD:plannedCompletionDate
Hi @skyehansen Per APIexplorer there is a linking object "ProjectUserRole" (PTEAM) that has projectID and roleID attributes, but I'm failing to make an EXISTS filter work - what am I doing wrong?EXISTS:b:$$EXISTSMOD=NOTEXISTS
Hi @skyehansen "roles" is a collection on the project and is an array of roleIDs found on the project tasks.Per documentation "in" applies to arrays, so "notin" should, in my mind, mean "the collection of role IDs does not include ..."
Hi @JHulet what's the text mode you're using for "Predecessor project percent complete"? In general - the number of hops might be an issue with something like {predecessor}.{project}.{owner}.{name} because you want to display the name not just ownerID (a property on the project)You could try setting...
Hi @DestPr As with your last question I can't tell because I don't see the module configuration nor the flow of the modules. If you repeatedly get this same error please provide more info so we can troubleshoot.