Hi @ForrestLi Refer this article for case insensitive urls setup on dispatcher: https://blogs.perficient.com/2017/10/17/mastering-the-aem-dispatcher-part-2-case-insensitive-urls/ ThanksDipti
Hi @kotireddy4b1 Could you please elaborate a bit more on the question? What is your requirement? Do you want to customize participant step dialog fields??ThanksDipti
Hi @Shetty119 to remove AEM generated wrapper div you can setcq:noDecoration property. You can find more details here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/developing/components/decoration-tag.html?lang=en For custom generated dom you can simply put logic based on your aut...
Hi @maans By default properties starting with jcr,sling and cq are excluded from rollout.if you want your properly to be part of rollout you need to add rule in MSM rollout osgi configplease refer this for more information: https://techrevel.blog/2019/09/26/msm-rollout-excluding-content-updates/than...
Hi your cq-MSN-lockable property name should be same as field name .In your case property name is cq:refirectTarget so cq-msm-lockable property value should be that only. You have given this value as cq:redirectPath that’s why it’s not working
Hi @sannyrac please refer this article for pagespeed module setup with dispatcher : http://www.wemblog.com/2014/07/?m=1You can give it a try.But normally white spaces in your HTML does not impact your performance much so would be ok if you keep it as is. thanksdipti
Hi @BrijeshYadav For enabling it says "Navigate to Tools, Assets, then select GraphQL.". But GraphQL is not present in my case. I am using 6.5, Not sure what is missing.
Hi @Shaheena_Sheikh There is no need to declare it as string array. You just need to mention your classes with spaces thats it. e.ggranite:class="class1 class2 class3" ThanksDipti